Add a utility to make bug reports more helpful and thus fixes easier

The documentation lists several things to include in a bug report. Practice shows, however, that only a little part of this info is included in actual bug reports. Some of the information is admittedly a bit difficult to get, e. g. the output of the STAT command of an FTP server.

An interactive scipt, distributed with ftputil, could examine the environment and write the gathered information to a file which should be included in the bug report via copy & paste or even attached. Of course, if the script wants to read from or write to the used FTP server, it must ask the user if he/she agrees and must ask for the server name and credentials to log in.

schwa (unverified)
Assigned to
18 years ago
18 years ago
bug documentation

schwa (unverified) 18 years ago ยท edit

For now, I've made a compromise and include just the ftputil and the Python version in the tracebacks (see changeset r519). So everyone who sends/enters a traceback should automatically mention the versions.

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