Possible to remove 30 lines of copyright from top of every file?

Would it be possible to have this "by inclusion" somehow, or at the end of the file?

The first page of code is never the code, very annoying to edit, how about:

LICENSE for additional terms.

then put all that disclaimer stuff in a single LICENSE file.

Much neater and I don't think it protects the code less, though I'm not a lawyer.

ssteiner (unverified)
Assigned to
14 years ago
14 years ago
enhancement library

schwa (unverified) 14 years ago · edit

Right, the copyright notice should probably go into an extra file. We have to make sure though that lrucache.py is handled specially. Ok, the author allowed it to put the file under the modified BSD license but originally it's licensed under the Academic Free License. Probably that should be pointed out somewhere.

ssteiner (unverified) 14 years ago · edit

Ok, let's get synched so my BitBucket? is exactly like the main repo and I'll do these if you'll give me exact approved text for the top of each file.


schwa (unverified) 13 years ago · edit

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