New parser needed for some unix variants

The ftputil parser works fine with windows and standard unix directory format however there are some common unix variants ftputil doesn't understand such as ftp.sunfreeware.com .

tp> ls
 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,193,208,66,41,119)
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
 total 10
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 staff 7 Aug 13 2003 bin -> usr/bin
 d--x--x--x 2 staff 512 Sep 24 2000 dev
 d--x--x--x 3 staff 512 Sep 25 2000 etc
 dr-xr-xr-x 3 staff 512 Oct 3 2000 pub
 d--x--x--x 5 staff 512 Oct 3 2000 usr
 226 Transfer complete.

I think ftputil should automagically parse this format too,

regards Nicola

ftputiluser (unverified)
Assigned to
15 years ago
15 years ago
enhancement library

schwa (unverified) 15 years ago · edit

I don't seem to be able to reproduce that bug, at least not with ftputil version 2.4:

>>> h = ftputil.FTPHost("ftp.sunfreeware.com", "anonymous", "sschwarzer@sschwarzer.net")
>>> >>> h.listdir(".")
['bin', 'dev', 'etc', 'pub', 'usr']

Which version of ftputil did you use?

schwa (unverified) 14 years ago · edit

As the reporter wrote me he had modified ftputil for an experiment and because of this got a traceback.

Therefore, I close the bug as "invalid".

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